Lindi Akkerman is an allround dancer, based in Axel, The Netherlands.
Lindi was four years old when she started taking ballet classes, and never stopped dancing ever since.
At the age of 12 she already trained 10 hours a week. And soon after, she danced as a supporting act for well known choreographers such as; Isabelle Beernaert, Roy Julen and Conny Janssen.
Her dream was to perform on a cruise ship worldwide, dancing while travelling the world.
In 2017 she started her dance education.
During her studies she danced, and performed in the aerial hoop, for 3 years (4 times a week) in the Efteling Musical CARO, the biggest theme park in The Netherlands. In 2020 she graduated after 3 years, and started working in the workfield as a freelancer.
Now, she is dancing at different festivals such as TOMORROWLAND, Q-MUSIC Foute Party, WECANDANCE, Radio JOE FM...
Also she works for different artists on TOUR such as; Johnny Logan (EN), Helmut Lotti (BE), Sandra Kim (BE) and more...
And besides this she is performing in a few different dinner shows in Belgium as a showgirl.